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 THOMAS’ mother, a hateful and vindictive woman. Her debaucherous husband treated her like garbage while she was pregnant, demeaning and ridiculing her every action, all the while carrying on with his infidelities. Her pain turned into anger toward all men, and she began a twisted and warped worship of Wicca and the Three-Folded Goddess. Wrongly convinced that the young life inside her was a girl, HECATE decided that her husband was a threat to them both—she killed him, and collected his life insurance. When the child was born, however, she was disgusted that it was, in fact, a boy. A reminder of his father’s cruelty, THOMAS became the lightning rod of her contempt. Continuing her worship, she used a ritual blade to make regular blood sacrifices, both from herself and from her son. HECATE raised the boy with a twisted angst, teaching him through physical and emotional abuse that all men are vile, worthless, sinful, and exist only to guard the women that own them. She has him put him through brutal training to make him her weapon, a truly lethal force—particularly with a blade. But he cannot protect his mother from herself…HECATE dies of lung cancer, a product her of addiction to cigarettes. But Despite her death, the damage is done. Taking her ritual blade with him as he walks out into the night, it is clear that she has sculpted every facet of THOMAS’ tortured spirit.  

Vicky Dalli is an actress and director, known for A Moment on the Lips (2014), The Glory Hole (2014) and The Red Sweater (2014).





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